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Setup Trivy in CI/CD tools

Trivy is an image vulnerability scanner. It detects vulnerabilties in OS packages and application dependencies.

Test trivy in MacOS

Pull image:

docker pull aquasec/trivy

Scan your image:

docker run --rm -v $HOME/Library/Caches:/root/.cache/ aquasec/trivy [YOUR_IMAGE_NAME]

Show just critical and high vulnerabilities

docker run --rm -v $HOME/Library/Caches:/root/.cache/ aquasec/trivy --severity HIGH,CRITICAL [YOUR_IMAGE_NAME]

Github Actions

There are two workflows in .github/workflows folder:

  • scan.yml workflow builds and scans an image.
  • scan_and_push.yml workflow builds, scans and pushes an image in Google Container Registry.
  • scan_push_dockerhub.yml workflow build, scans and pushes an image in DockerHub.

When using scan_and_push.yml please make sure you have setup Google Container Registry.

  • Create a Service Account

  • Add the Cloud Build Service Account role to this Service Account

  • Generate a key for this Service Account

  • Create a SECRET in your repository named GCLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY with the value of :

    • cat path-to/key.json | base64 -b 0 for MacOS

    • cat path-to/key.json | base64 -w 0 for Linux

  • Create a SECRET in your repository named YOUR_GOOGLE_PROJECT with the value of your Google project-id.

Job will fail when critical and high vulnerabilties are found, if one of the options is used:

  • args: --exit-code 1 --severity CRITICAL,HIGH --no-progress${GOOGLE_PROJECT}/${YOUR_IMAGE}
  • args: --exit-code 0 --severity MEDIUM,LOW --no-progress${GOOGLE_PROJECT}/${YOUR_IMAGE}

When using scan_push_dockerhub.yml please make sure to create two secrets in your repository:


Find here Github Actions code used for bulding and pushing images to GCR and Dockerhub.


.circleci folder has 2 workflows:

  • config_test_only.yml worlkflow builds and scans an image.
  • config.yml workflow builds, scans the image with TRIVY and push that image in GCR if scan doesn't exit with --exit-code 1 .

Setup circleCi project to push an image in GCR:

  • Create a service account
  • Generated private key in JSON format
  • Create an environment variable in CircleCI project, name it GOOGLE_AUTH and include private key in Json format.
  • Create an environement variable in CircleCI project, name it YOUR_GOOGLE_PROJECT and include your Google project id value


travis.yml builds an image and scans it with Trivy.

Workflow will fail if there are critical vulnerabilities found by Trivy.

Mark a vulnerability as false positive (FP)

  • Create a file .trivyignore.
  • Add VULNERABILITY ID of the vulnerability you want to mark as FP and comment the reason.
#  This vulnerability doesn't have impact in our settings

#  This vulnerability doesn't have impact in our settings too

If your image is built via a script in a CI/CD tool (e.g Jenkins), please make sure to mount .trivyignore file.

Add -v "$PWD/.trivyignore":/.trityignore:ro --ignorefile /.trivyignore

docker run --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v "$HOME"/Library/Caches:/root/.cache/ -v "$PWD/.trivyignore":/.trivyignore:ro aquasec/trivy --exit-code 1 --severity CRITICAL --ignorefile /.trivyignore "$IMAGE_NAME":"$TAG"


Trivy setup using your CI tools


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